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Andie Pandie


    "​Imagining a life without art is torture!" - Andie Pandie



    Andrea 'Andie Pandie' Ramos is a California native, currently residing in Texas. For her, art has been a life-long passion. 


    While in California public schools, art classes were very sought after and funding for the arts was seeming almost nonexistant. Andie managed to take workshops and practiced outside of class in elementary school years. During those years she studied dance, photography, sewing, acting, and various drawing techniques. Once in middle school, Andie was able to take a video editing course and geometric arts. She also learned many invaluable talents such as event planning and fund raising while serving as the President of PTSA (Parent, Teacher, Student Association). The hard work paid off, raising thousands of dollars for the Southern California school. Later, in high school, Andie Pandie picked up the skill of ceramics and culinary arts. Next came culinary school, another form of creative talent. 


The main influence for the art she creates is 'life, in all it's complexity.' 

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